When my children were small, they were up with the sun, and so, of course, I was too! It was awful at first. I had always considered myself a ‘night owl’, and staying up until the wee hours had been a long habit of mine. Soon, I gave in to the inevitable and began getting up before my children, taking my quiet alone time in the early morning instead of late at night, often rising before dawn. I went to bed early by necessity, falling asleep more quickly and soundly as my body and mind adjusted to the more natural, healthier rhythm my children were teaching me.
Slowly, I fell in love with the fresh, clean experience of a new day just beginning, the luxurious feeling of having plenty of time to make my goals happen, and watching the sunrise. I didn’t actually have any more hours than I had before; in fact, I had less! But being truly rested and up hours before I had to be anywhere took so much stress away the sense of peace was almost miraculous in itself. I had time to plan and prioritize, to prepare, and to just be.
My old system of doing those things at night had never worked so well. My mind was clearer, my energy fresh from a full night’s sleep, and the difference soon showed up in other areas of my life. I was able to come up with more creative solutions to challenges and to be more creative in general! I began to write again and to plan fun outings for the kids instead of rushing everywhere constantly. I sang more, I smiled more, and I felt more connected. I even lost weight! Now, I continue that habit, and it’s a gift that keeps on giving. I love my morning ‘me’ time!
I hope you will comment and share your ideas and thoughts about the wonderful advice famously quoted by Benjamin Franklin: ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man (and a woman!) healthy, wealthy, and wise.’