The Missing Piece (Peace)
So many people are running around through life thinking they have to do everything, know everything, be everything. Well, you don’t. You are meant to be YOU, not Sally or Latsha or Joe. No one can take your place from you, and you can’t take theirs. We are where we are because only we can…
15 Ways to Bring More Serenity Into Your Life
A New Take on Confidence
Confidence isn’t something you have or don’t have. It’s something you build, day by day, experience by experience. Confidence, at its most basic, is really just the willingness to try. Try something new, meet someone new, have a new experience. The first time you try something you learn. The second time, you learn more. When…
You Don’t Have To
You don’t have to. This phrase has been on my mind constantly in the last week. You don’t have to get so emotionally wound up. You don’t have to stress and sweat and angst over your job. You don’t have to try so hard in your relationship. You don’t have to hang on so hard. …
7 Ways You Can Start NEW Every Day
You get to start new EVERY DAY. We all have people, events, and attitudes, that seem to follow us around throughout our days. For lack of a better term, I call it the ‘STUFF of life’. Stuff from yesterday, stuff that pops up in the present when we least expect it, and stuff for tomorrow…
Perspectives: Accepting what IS
Many of life’s hardships come from our own attitudes. When we refuse to accept what is, and try to deny, change, or reject the events or realities of life, we create dissonance in ourselves and in the space around us, rippling out into the world and reflecting back to us more of the same. Like…
12 lessons I learned from my cat
Don’t worry about being stepped on – get right in there and keep at it! Be curious! Just because you run crazy sometimes doesn’t mean you aren’t also serene and elegant! Everything – EVERYTHING – can be played with! Thorough grooming is worth the time. Naps are a wonderful extravagance you can indulge in whenever…
Early to bed, Early to rise
When my children were small, they were up with the sun, and so, of course, I was too! It was awful at first. I had always considered myself a ‘night owl’, and staying up until the wee hours had been a long habit of mine. Soon, I gave in to the inevitable and began getting…
Quick tip: Plant a garden
One of the best ways to lift your spirits is to plant a garden. Getting your hands dirty and caring for something beautiful and alive that grows is miraculously healing. First of all, feeling close to growing things is one of the best ways to ground yourself. It feels so peaceful to be out in…
5 Things You Can Do In One Minute to Expand Your Capacity
So, if you read my first post, you have some idea what a chaotic mess my old life used to be. I felt completely overwhelmed and like I would never be able to catch up. Now, however, I get far more done, without the stress and mayhem. I knew one of the ways to do…